AP Ventures Limited

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IV Drip Stand, Stainless Steel, on Castro Wheel Trolley

IV Drip Stand, Stainless Steel, on Castro Wheel Trolley

now available in stock. iv stand on five (5) castor wheels trolley * made of stainless steel * heavy duty * durable, long lasting * light in movement * space saver * four hooks for iv bottles contact us for buying one for your healthcare facility. #Vissco #visscosteelcraft #VisscoHealthcare #ivstand…
Fourfold Bed Side Screen

Fourfold Bed Side Screen

fourfold bed side screen for your ward care is now available in stock. it is made of stainless steel and fitted with six castor wheels. #Vissco#VisscoHealthcare#VisscoRehabilitation#visscosteelcraft#steelcraft#wardcare#HospitalWard#hospitalwardcare#bedsidescreen#bedscreen#bedscreenwithwheels#stainlesssteelbedscreen#patientward#GeneralWard#HOSPITALFURNITURE#wardfurniture#hospitalwardfurniture#PatientPrivacy#patientprivacymatters
Vissco Folding Stretcher with Aluminium Legs

Vissco Folding Stretcher with Aluminium Legs

folding stretcher is now available in stock. strong. stainless steel with aluminium legs. built to last long. #Vissco#VisscoHealthcare#VisscoRehabilitation#stretcher#foldingstretcher#stretcherwithlegs#stainlesssteelstretcher#PatientSupport#patientsafety#patientcare#patientmobility#patientrescue#patienttransport
Fourfold Bed Side Screen

Fourfold Bed Side Screen

fourfold bed side screen for your ward care is now available in stock. it is made of stainless steel and fitted with six castor wheels. #Vissco#VisscoHealthcare#VisscoRehabilitation#visscosteelcraft#steelcraft#wardcare#HospitalWard#hospitalwardcare#bedsidescreen#bedscreen#bedscreenwithwheels#stainlesssteelbedscreen#patientward#GeneralWard#HOSPITALFURNITURE#wardfurniture#hospitalwardfurniture#PatientPrivacy#patientprivacymatters
Vissco Shoulder Support

Vissco Shoulder Support

now available in stock in S, M, L and XL sizes. this product provides support and stability to the shoulder and prevents it from dislocation. use this product in conditions like, * shoulder dislocation * rotator cuff injury * shoulder labral tear * post paralysis shoulder support #VisscoHealthcare#VisscoRehabilitation#Vissco#shouldersupport#shoulderdislocation#rotatorcuffinjury#shoulderlabraltear#labraltear#postparalysisshouldersupport#OrthopaedicCare#OrthopaedicSupport#PhysiotherapyCare#homerehabilitation#rehabilitation#RehabilitationCare#PatientRehabilitation#patientcare#patientcareathome
Vissco Bed Side Table, Stainless Steel Top, Adjustable

Vissco Bed Side Table, Stainless Steel Top, Adjustable

now available in stock. adjustable bed side table with stainless steel top with gas spring mechanism or crank mechanism. this table is ideal for a patient who needs to have meals while in bed or sitting in a chair or sofa. stainless steel top is washable and lasts long. base…


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